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  • 我是否適合加入您們的會員資格? Am I the right fit to join your membership?
    我們的會員成功、有抱負,並正在尋找有意義且持久關系的伴侶。 您如果是一位願意投資於個人生活的專業人士、企業家,並明白量身定制的婚戀配對服務的價值,那麼您就可能是適合加入我們會員的人選。 Our membership is open to individuals who are genuinely seeking a meaningful and long-lasting relationship. We cater to professionals, entrepreneurs, and individuals who are committed to finding a compatible partner and are ready to invest in their personal lives. Our members are typically successful, driven, and understand the value of a personalized matchmaking service. If you are serious about finding love and are willing to trust our expertise in making meaningful connections, then Lovery Agency is the right fit for you.
  • 你們提供在線約會服務/諮詢嗎 ? Do you offer online dating service?
    我們並不提供線上約會服務。在Lovery Agency,我們堅信親自為會員挑選最佳匹配對象的重要性。我們會花時間了解客戶,並根據他們獨特的偏好、背景和價值觀,挑選潛在匹配最合適的伴侶。 我們徹底的篩選過程包括親自面談,並進行背景調查,以確保會員的安全與配合程度。 No, we do not offer online dating services. At Lovery Agency, we believe in the importance of personally selecting the perfect match for our members. We take the time to get to know our clients and carefully hand-pick potential matches based on their unique preferences, background, and values. Our thorough vetting process includes meeting prospects in person and conducting background checks to ensure the safety and compatibility of our members.
  • 我想了解一下您的會談安排的具體流程。 How does the process work?
    流程如下: 您填寫好個人資料後,我們會打電話您,安排一個60分鐘的面對面個人會面。 在1-2週內,我們將與您聯繫,提供初步配對對象信息。我們只會介紹同意見面的女會員。如果雙方同意會面,我們就會交換您倆的聯繫方式。 然後我們便安排好日期、時間和地點,確保您能有個很棒的第一次約會體驗。 約會後,我們會跟進您的情況,瞭解進程如何。憑藉約會後的反饋,我們會調整配對方式,為您找到下一位對象。如果您倆都想再見面,您們就可以自行處理後續事宜了。 After you have filled out your profile, we call you for a brief chat to set up a 60 minutes one-on-one in-person meeting. That’s when the search begins.  Within 1-2 weeks, we will be in contact with you with initial match options who are excited to meet you. We will only present to you the women who have said YES to meeting you. If you both agree to meet, we exchange contact information for you both. We then set up the date with time, place, and reservation – to ensure you have a great first date experience. After the date, we follow up with you to find out how it went. With post-date feedback in hand, we refine the search for your next match. If you both want to see each other again, you take it from there. 
  • 費用是多少? How much does it cost?
    我們提供配對與約會指導的組合服務,有不同計劃可供選擇。 Lovery Agency每個正式會員都需繳納會員費,此費用將涵蓋婚戀專家,背景調查、問卷、約會準備面談以及在我們專業單身人士的精英數據庫中積極搜索。 特定會員將提供專屬優惠。有關具體定價和套餐詳情,請直接與我們聯繫。 We offer a combination of Matchmaking and Dating Coaching with various package possibilities. Every active member of LOVERY pays a Membership fee which covers the costs of the background check validation, questionnaires, the Date Ready Interview and active searching in our elite database of professional singles. The Private Membership fee is with special discounts offered.
  • 我想了解一下您的會談安排的具體流程和時間長度。
  • 我的個人資料和照片會在您的網站上可見嗎? Will my profile and photos be available on your website?
    我們不會建立任何公開的個人資料,您的照片只會在您同意下才會與表明同意見面的約會對象分享。即使如此,資料也極為機密,我們不會提前披露任何可以識別您的資訊。 在您的個人資料和照片分享給任何人之前,您都有機會審視並批准。 No public dating profile will be created and your personalised profile will only be shared with your selected matches once you have agreed to do so. Even then, it is highly confidential and we do not disclose any identifying information upfront. You will have the possibility to review your profile and approve it before it is shared with anyone.
  • 還有疑問嗎? Still have question?
    大家都知道,快樂和無壓力的人更容易找到愛情。請按右下角線上對話,然後按WhatsApp icon發給我們信息。 我們收到您的資料後,將會有專業的配對顧問與您聯繫,讓您準備好再次墜入愛河。 We all know, happy and stress-free people have a much better chance to find love. Please click the Live Chat box in bottom right, then click the WhatsApp icon and send us a message. Once we receive your information, our matching expert will contact you - so you can be ready to fall in love again.
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